Saturday, July 6, 2013

Flash Forward

Lack of courage. Those three words define me precisely.

It's what has been holding me back all those years. It's the hedge I need to cross to be me, to be satisfied about who I am, to be consistent with myself.

This lack of courage evolved to idleness, living day to day not trying to change what I became, not trying to improve my decaying skills. I remember that little boy I was, energetic, enthusiastic, brave and full of life; and ask: what happened? Life cannot be as destructive!
So self-destruction it is. I neglected my soul for years, and I'm cropping the bitter fruits now.
What I need is to start utilizing what's left of my brain cells, to dump all the distractions and start working.

First thing I need to do is to get disconnected from the internet, since it was the hole that sucked me in it and greatly stalling me from continuing my life. I will ditch my smartphone and other wifi connected devices and go old school, books and papers..
I will have plans and stop being a last-minute achiever. Despite the last one didn't fail me so far, but it affected my skills and brain abilities.
I will be spontaneous, buying tickets and jumping between airports. I will go to see Africa this year, a place my heart is being attached to for a while..
I will learn one or two new languages, get one or two technical certificates and start writing the book I always wanted to write.

This is the new me, the one I always wanted to be, and I shall start now, right now.

I have to go..


  1. very inspiring post!

    I guess everybody can relate to what you have written.

    Wish you the best of luck! :)

    P.S I don't know why your post reminded me of "Holstee Manifesto", do you know it? if not here you go:

    and this is their poster:

    Hope it inspires you too ;)

    P.P.S Looking forward to your book

    1. thank you for your sweet comment :)
      and thanks a lot for your kind wishes, I wish you likewise :)

      I just watched the Holstee Manifesto video, it caught my breath and held my tears :) thank you for sharing it.

      regarding the book, I know how it ends, it's the beginning that I'm looking for, so I need to start somewhere...

